Subscribe Here What lights up your face? Acts 18:18-28 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on December 9, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Discipleship! What does it mean? Acts 18:`18-19:2 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on November 18, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Look at everything through Jesus! Acts 18:1-10 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on October 14, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Do you make the most of waiting time? Acts 17:16-34 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on September 30, 2012 (Sunday Morning). what happens when we imitate! Acts 17:10-15 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on September 16, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Prejudices against the Gospel Acts 17:10-15 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on September 9, 2012 (Sunday Morning). The early Church and it's believers Acts 17:1-9 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on September 2, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Is the planted seed having the power in you? Acts 17:1-11 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on August 26, 2012 (Sunday Morning). There will be a time when change has to come! Acts 15:36-47 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on August 5, 2012 (Sunday Morning). What legacy will you leave? Acts 14:21-28 (Part of the 2012 series). Preached by Pastor Rafael Manzanares on July 29, 2012 (Sunday Morning). Next page »